Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Is there a fisherman, hunter or gardener in your family? Do you prefer home-canned tuna and vegetables to commercially canned products? Do you want to learn to preserve that deer or elk you’re
planning to get this year? Do you like knowing the origin of the foods you eat and are you thinking about canning vegetables for use this winter when fresh produce is not as readily available?If you answered yes to these questions, then register now for the class “Home Canning Fish, Meat, Poultry and Vegetables” sponsored by the OSU Extension Service in Tillamook on Thursday, July 25, 6:00-10:00 p.m. Cost is $12 for supplies and handouts if pre-registered by the day before the class or $15 for registrations the day of the class. Pre-registration is recommended by the day before the class to assure sufficient participants to hold the class. Classes with low registrations may be cancelled.
Fish, meat, poultry and vegetables must all be canned in a pressure canner to prevent botulism, a potentially deadly form of foodborne illness. In the past several years, Oregonians have contracted botulism from eating improperly home canned venison stew and vegetables. Most people who contract botulism spend several months in the hospital and rehabilitation clinics. This class will highlight the current USDA recommendations for canning fish, meat, poultry and vegetables to prevent botulism. Participants will learn how to use their pressure canner properly. They will also try their hand at canning in a pressure canner during the class and take home a jar of home-canned tuna or meat.
Those who want to can meat, fish, poultry or vegetables, but who don’t own a pressure canner, may borrow a pressure canner from the OSU Extension Service office. For those who own their own pressure canner, the OSU Extension Service and USDA recommend testing dial gauge pressure canners every year to assure accuracy so that home canned vegetables, meats, fish, and poultry are safe to eat. Pressure canner dial gauges will be tested after the class. The public can also have their canner dial gauge tested at the OSU Extension Service office. Bring the lid with dial gauge attached for testing.
While at the OSU Extension Service office, request copies of the publications, “Using and Caring for Your Pressure Canner,” “Canning Seafood,” “Canning Meat, Poultry and Game,” and “Canning Vegetables.” All four include the most current USDA home canning recommendations. The Ball Blue Book and 2009 revision of the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning are also available at the OSU Extension Service office.
Contact the OSU Extension Service office in Tillamook, 842-3433 to register for a class or to receive the latest home canning publications.